Our Mission
Metazen’s mission is to help your organization achieve the modern workspace by managing the right solutions so you can focus on your business and goals.
From full service managed IT environments, 24x7 support for your staff, to tailor-made projects, Metazen has a solution for your workplace. Whether your staff are in-person, working remotely, or hybrid, we can ensure they are supported and productive, so IT issues don’t get in the way.
Empower staff with the right (accessible, productive, powerful, meaningful, productive) technology to get the job done, anywhere from the office to the dining room table.
Keep it simple attitude / More technology isn’t always a better experience, we focus on just what's needed. Implementing good technology that meets your needs and exceeds expectations is how we keep things simple.
we like helping creative people be creative
Run your business, not an IT department.
Metazen is your technology partner
How we can help
What we do in a few sentences,
We Plan
Who doesn’t love it when a good plan comes together?
We carefully define the goals and stuff to make sure it gets done right the first time
Something about our holistic approach
Nobody wants to end up in the news because their systems were breached, and no system can ever be 100% secure (don’t believe if someone says otherwise), but we ensure your enviornment is
AND support
We understand questions or issues can happen any time, anywhere, so we support you 24x7x365 wherever you are working from
See more details on our Services page.
“Metazen is essential to your company’s success.”
Alma Peterson | Co-Founder

Who you are / You are…
We’ve found that our best fit / match / collaborator / people we work with / team up with / are….
(You are a) Startup looking to grow rapidly and don’t have time to hire an IT team
An established company that has outgrown what your office manager can handle with your technology
Creative agency that is interested in new services to streamline your operations
Company that just landed that whale client you’ve been courting, but their contract requires modern IT security compliance policies and you don’t know where to start
Ready for help?
Contact Us